Check out the cash, marijuana, guns, and ammunition found inside one
“Officers took the boards off the floor, went underneath the residence, and located one-pound bags of processed marijuana totaling 127 pounds of processed marijuana,” said Fresno Police Chief Jerry Dyer.
The suspects were allegedly growing it in greenhouses and sheds in the backyard. The cash was found in jars underneath one of the sheds. The money is likely the lucrative result of selling across state lines, in places like
“This is very much a large scale operation. We believe these individuals were bringing in a million dollars a year,” said Dyer.
Police say while the suspects may have been millionaires, they were living in deplorable conditions. And the worst part: two boys, eight and ten years old, were also living inside.
“It was filthy. There were feces throughout the interior of the residence along with cockroaches and mice,” said Dyer.
Two of the suspects had medical marijuana cards, but the amount they were growing was far more that what's allowed. Officers are working with