The latest employment numbers are out for the Central Valley. They show more people are finding work.
The unemployment rate in Fresno County comes in at 12.5 percent for December of 2013. Dropping a tenth of a percent from the previous month.
Farm related jobs accounted for the slight decrease in Fresno County's unemployment rate.
California's unemployment rate is 7-point-9 percent.
The nation is at 6.5 percent.
There's 14.2 percent unemployment in Merced
10.7 percent in Madera...
12.5 percent in Fresno...
10.8 percent in Kings County
13.4 percent in Tulare County.
The unemployment rate in Fresno County comes in at 12.5 percent for December of 2013. Dropping a tenth of a percent from the previous month.
Farm related jobs accounted for the slight decrease in Fresno County's unemployment rate.
California's unemployment rate is 7-point-9 percent.
The nation is at 6.5 percent.
There's 14.2 percent unemployment in Merced
10.7 percent in Madera...
12.5 percent in Fresno...
10.8 percent in Kings County
13.4 percent in Tulare County.