Call it the unintended consequences of prison realignment. More inmates are out of state prisons and in many cases back on the street on supervised release. Yet, they continue to cause trouble.
“This is my neighborhood where my kids and my friends are and I’m going to fight to make changes so our neighborhoods are safe once again,” said Autumn, a concerned Clovis resident.
Autumn is a Clovis resident who helped hang flyers of Michael Wyatt. An AB 109er recently arrested twice for failing to check in with his parole officer. When police picked him up both times he was suspiciously lingering around Buchanan High School. Wyatt continues to be locked up in jail.
“He’s someone we know, but there's just so many other out on the street and we don't know what they look like and where they roam and those are the ones that really scare me,” said Autumn.
In an effort to protect citizens an educational meeting is being held in Clovis Saturday afternoon advocates for public safety is organizing it.
“We want people to understand, use heightened personal safety skills. Use heightened awareness when you're out and about,” said Lynne Brown of Advocates for Public Safety.
Lynne Brown says on April 23rd her group is heading to the state capitol building to try and repeal certain sections of AB 109.
If that doesn't work, requests to change prison realignment may appear on the next voter ballot.
“We need to come out and show solidarity and that it's not just me Lynne Brown saying this, it's Californian voters saying this,” said Brown.
“We do need community involvement,” said Fresno Co. Sheriff Margaret Mims.
Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims is constantly running out of space in her jail due to an influx of AB 109ers.
“Parolees, especially registered sex offenders who violate their parole, need to go back to state prison. Right now they comeback to county jail,” said Sheriff Mims.
Sheriff Mims is confident Californians can get the law altered, but not abolished.
“Realignment won't go away. It's here to stay,” said Sheriff Mims.
The meeting takes place Saturday, April 6th at 4 p.m. The building is located at 292 Herndon Avenue, which is next door to the Clovis Volkswagen dealership. Everyone in the public is welcome to attend.