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Target's Newest Fresno Store Expects to Hire 200


About 3,000 people are expected to attend a two-day job fair in Fresno this weekend for Target's newest store that will open in March. Two hundred positions are available.

About 1,700 people applied online ahead of time, while many others showed up early at Rio Vista Middle School, where the interviews are taking place, and waited in line for hours to get their chance to interview.

Angela Diaz is one of the thousands who applied for a position Saturday. She was hired on the spot.

She had been out of work for about one year after she lost her receptionist job due to the company's downsizing.

"I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to get back into the workforce," Diaz said.

It's a situation many in the Central Valley can relate to.

"I'm lucky. I've only been unemployed just for three months. So I got lucky. But I know there's other people out there that have been looking for jobs for a long time," said Josh Tainter, who was also offered a position on Saturday.

Unemployment in Fresno County is at 12.6 percent, higher than the state's rate of 8.5 percent.

Diaz, who is a mother of four, is grateful her situation has now turned around.

"I feel really, really blessed. I'm at the end of the process, they offered me a position, so I'm really blessed and grateful," Diaz said.

Those who attend the second day of the job fair should be prepared to interview, take an assessment, and be drug tested.

"They'll go through the interview process, we'll all deliberate about what that looks like for that candidate. At that point, some people will be job offered today, some people will be asked to interview with us at another time," said Curt Cappello, the newest store's team leader.

The job fair will continues Sunday at Rio Vista Middle School located at 6240 W. Palo Alto Ave. in Northwest Fresno from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Theft Suspects Flee To Military Base

Three people are being questioned by Clovis Police after they tried to run from officers onto the Air National Guard base.

Officers stopped the suspects car by the air base on Clovis Avenue and McKinley, they'd been following the car because witnesses said it was speeding and driving erratically.

It matched the description of a car involved in a theft from a Clovis store.

One of the people in the car tried to run onto the air base but was caught.

Two other people in the car were taken in for questioning.

"All three occupants of the car are detained at this time. A large amount of property has been recovered that was taken," said Sgt. Jim Koch, Clovis Police Department.

An ambulance was called because one of the people in the car had a medical emergency.

Officers found several large knives on the people who were taken in for questioning.

Married Couple Found Dead in Visalia Home

Visalia Police are investigating what led to the death of two people.

Police say that a husband and wife were found dead in their home Saturday.

The cause of death is still unknown. 

Visalia Police Investigating Possible Murder Suicide

Visalia Police are investigating a possible murder-suicide. Officers received a call around 11 am on Sunday. Upon arrival, they discovered 2 bodies inside a home near Elowin and Ranch. Police say the two were married and both 77-years-old. Still, investigators aren't sure what led up to the deaths.

Historic Groundbreaking for Chaffee Zoo

An "African Adventure" will be ready by the summer of 2015, much to the delight of everyone at Fresno's Chaffee Zoo. Groundbreaking for the project took place Monday morning. Amber Talley from the Chaffee Zoo dropped by KSEE 24 Midday to talk about the expansion.

Woman Arrested for Stealing Coffee, Attacking Officer

A woman is custody in Fresno after allegedly stealing a cup of coffee and then ramming a police car.

It happened at the AM/PM min mart at Fresno and C Streets. Investigators say the woman stole a cup of coffee and then attacked the clerk after he tried to stop her.

When police showed up, the woman allegedly rammed the police car while trying to escape.

She was eventually arrested and is now facing felony charges for assault with a deadly weapon on a peace officer.

Couple Arrested for Homicide at Fresno Hotel

Fresno police have made an arrest in a recent murder.

Cosmen Alvarez and Yolanda Aviles are now in custody. Police believe they shot a man December 22nd at a motel on East Street and then pistol-whipped the victim's girlfriend.

Fresno police, with the help of the LAPD tracked down the suspects in a Los Angeles apartment.

They were arrested then sent back here to the valley to face charges.

Family rallies for justice

A Clovis family calls for justice after the gruesome death of a 22-year-old man. David Vasquez was stabbed to death one week ago. It happened near Geary and Matus in southeast Fresno. Monday, friends and family gathered at Courthouse Park to call attention to the unsolved case.

Two days after hearing their son had been killed, Fresno Police gave family more bad news. The person arrested, was let out of jail. 

Circling the fountain and canvassing Courthouse Park; friends and family of David Vasquez called for answers in an unsolved case. The 22-year-old was stabbed to death December 29th outside a southeast Fresno home.

"We just want answers. We don't want this case to fall through the cracks," said Bexy Osmond, the victim's sister. 

Osmond is one of Vasquez's five siblings. She says a 23-year-old man was arrested the day after the incident, but was released a day later. Charges were never filed. Investigators now tell her that he former suspect was defending himself. 

"I don't understand how it could have been self defense because the fight was with another individual. Self defense to me is, 'I'm protecting myself,'" said Osmond. 

The alleged victim and suspect have clean records. Those who knew Vasquez say he was a Christian. They describe him as childlike and generous. 

"He wouldn't let anyone get hurt, he wouldn't let anyone go hungry. Just a kind, loving person," said Tasha Chatman-McCoy, a family friend. 

Vasquez's mother doesn't speak English, but family says she's inconsolable after losing her youngest child. Osmond wonders if busy detectives are doing all they can to solve the case. She says an investigator missed an appointment with them last week. They waited seven hours.

"We had 15 people ready to give statements and it's like they weren't listening. That's when we decided to take action," said Osmond. 

Fresno Police submitted the case to the District Attorney, but the District Attorney gave it back to police. The DA's office did not tell CBS47 why the case was returned. Police say the case is still open. 

Bad Air Sticks Around, Doctors see Influx of Patients


Bad air continues to linger in the Valley.  Officials say it's the worst string of poor air quality they can recall seeing this time of year.  High pollution has been hovering for three weeks, and it's now triggering health problems.

It's hard to miss; the saturation of soot and ash swallowing the Valley.

Albert Ramirez says, "It reminds me of when we had the rim fires. It is hazy."

"It's not pretty.  It's not exciting," says Andy Frutchey.

The pollution is lingering low and people are starting to feel the pain.

Dr. A.M. Aminian says, "The volume of the patients that we've been seeing is the highest I've seen for this time of year throughout the years."

Dr. Aminian has been slammed for the last few weeks, treating about 30 percent more patients than normal for this time of year.

"They come with irritated eyes, nasal congestion, asthma attacks and not feeling well because of respiratory problems due to air," says Dr. Aminian.

Even people without respiratory problems are struggling.

Frutchey says, "I do have sinus.  I carry a handkerchief around in my pocket, especially now, my eyes are watering all the time."

Dr. Aminian recommends people drink lots of water, limit time outdoors and use nasal rinses.  He also says to keep your home at 40 percent humidity.

"Having bowls of water or vases of flowers will do it."

It also helps to limit pollution in the air.

Jaime Holt, Valley Air District, says, "If you can limit your trips, if you can commute less, if you can put off that lawn care."

People are also asked to refrain from wood burning; a rule many don't follow.  This year, the air district issued 365 citations across the San Joaquin Valley; that's up from 211 last year.

Officials say if warm temperatures stick around, we could have an early spring with early blooms, and perhaps more allergy and asthma problems.

Sheriff's Deputy Jeremy Meyst Laid to Rest

Tulare County Sheriff's Deputy Jeremy Meyst was laid to rest Monday. He died in a solo vehicle accident near Exeter on Christmas Eve. Meyst was transporting inmates to jail at the time. Friends and family gathered to say goodbye and share fond memories of the fallen deputy.

Pot Ban, New Jail: Two Votes Before County. Supervisors

Fresno County Board of Supervisors are voting on two major issues today. The first, whether to move forward with a new 300-bed jail facility and the second whether to finalize a zero-tolerance policy on medical marijuana.

The ban would include both indoor and outdoor marijuana gardens. The county also has a ban on medical marijuana dispensaries, which means those who use medical marijuana would have to go out of the county to buy it legally.

Tuesday morning on Sunrise, Supervisor Henry Perea broke down the board's position on both issues.
Watch the video for the interview in its entirety.

*After this interview aired, the supervisors voted to move forward with the jail expansion  

Helping Pets in Need

Jennifer Quinn-Jovino, the founder of Halo Café in Fresno, joined KSEE 24 Midday to talk about her organization dedicated to helping struggling families feed their pets.

WE ARE FRESNO: Fresno Man's Vision Becomes Reality

A 36-year old Clovis man has turned his brilliant idea into reality by manufacturing a paper towel holder which also charges your electronic devices.

This is Dan Whitlach. His day job is a sales manager at a Fresno trucking company. But in his off time he tries to design the next million dollar device.

"My wife and I were fighting for outlets in our kitchen. Her tablet, my tablet, her phone, my phone and the paper towel holder was sitting right there," says Whitlach.

And thus the Towlhub was born. It's a unique paper towel holder featuring a wine bottle stopper up top and four USB ports on the bottom.

Says Whitlach, "a lot of times ideas you don't think are the best ones, end up being a hit."

After doing some research, Dan learned there was not a patent on his idea so he tried to make the Towelhub take shape by visiting Blue Dolphin Design in Madera.

Owner Mark Jackson and his team have tools like computer aided design programs and one of the only 3D printers in the valley available for the public to use. The $60 thousand dollar machine then created a prototype.

Jackson encourages designers to keep their ideas "simple".

"The simplest solution is going to have the lowest cost to design, lowest cost to prototype, the lowest cost to produce," says Jackson.

If you want to be an inventor, Whitlach says it's important to first ask yourself one question: "It might be a good idea, but is there really a need for it?

For the answer, run it past some folks. Dan started out spending $1500 but now has $20,000 invested into his Towelhub project. And it looks like it's paying off. Skymall magazine plans to put his device in its spring catalog which publishes 5 million copies a quarter.

"I'm trying to get on the cover of the catalog and that would be awesome," says Whitlach.

KSEE 24 Honors 'Real Heroes'

KSEE 24 is once again honoring those among us who perform extraordinary acts.

Each year KSEE 24 partners with the American Red Cross to recognize "Real Heroes". From military members, law enforcement, firefighters and Good Samaritans, we're honoring them with your help.

Click the 'Community' tab on this website and submit your real hero now.

The nomination deadline is January 31st.

Fresno County Supervisors Show Support for Funding New Jail Annex

In a little more than a week, Fresno County may start the process of building a new jail annex.  Tuesday, supervisors cleared a final push to secure state funds to build the facility.  It would be built in the parking lot behind the current jail's north annex.

200 fewer jail beds will be available in Fresno County as a result of the proposed jail, but those in favor of the plans hope new programs will cut down inmate population altogether.

It was a unanimous vote Tuesday.  All five Fresno County Supervisors hopped on board to secure state funding to build a brand new jail facility.

Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims says, "Victims of crime have to come first and we have to make sure that we have people incarcerated that need to be on jail."

The state already recommended Fresno County receive the full $79 million up for grabs.  The money would be used to build a 300 bed facility, with a bigger focus on mental health and drug treatment programs.

Fresno resident Paige McCue says, "I think that's a really good idea because most of the inmates are in there for drug issues."

An issue that McCue has dealt with personally.  Every week, she writes notes in the dirt in the empty parking lot across the street from the jail.  Her boyfriend has been on jail for three years for stealing cars.  McCue says it was his drug problem that led to a life of crime.

"If they take care of that on the inside, they wouldn't have to do it on the outside where it's more possible to use again."

Fresno ACLU organizer Pam Whalen says that's not the only problem that needs to be addressed.  She says before building a new jail, the county should focus on cutting down the pretrial inmate population.

Whalen says, "70% of the people there have not been convicted of anything and some may be low level offenders.  They simply are there because they cannot afford bail."

Supervisor Henry Perea says the county is pushing to hire two new judges, as well as attorneys, to speed up the court process.

Fresno County is expected to find out if it is awarded the state funding, next Thursday.  If it is, construction on the jail facility will likely take about 5 years to complete.

Freeze Damage Taking a Toll on Valley Citrus

Freeze damage is taking a toll on Valley Citrus. Growers endured more than a week of freezing temperatures in December. The extent of the damage is still unknown but it is affecting the harvest.

Man with Ties to Mexican Drug Cartel Arrested in Madera County

The Madera County's Sheriff's Office made a break in the case of a double shooting near Chowchilla last Thursday that critically injured a 17-year-old male and left a 22-year-old man with gunshot wounds to his face. 

Detectives arrested Elias Lopez-Martinez, a 25-year-old Mexican national from Oaxaca, on two counts of attempted murder. 

"He refused to speak to us. He knew three words of English--'I want an attorney.' That's the only thing he's told our investigators so far," said 
Madera County Sheriff John Anderson.

What started as an attempted drug deal turned into a botched robbery, Anderson said, describing what he called a highly unusual case for the county. 

The original story that victims gave police is that they were driving near Avenue 18 1/2 and Road 10 to meet a man about buying a horse. They said an unmarked truck with blue lights above the cab pulled them over. Two men impersonating police ordered the 22-year-old and two 17-year-olds to the ground and began shooting, Anderson said. 

One of the teens ran away uninjured, while the other teen was shot through the liver, Anderson said. 

The 22-year-old got into his car and was shot multiple times in the face. He drove away for about eight miles and called police. 

Police believed there was more to the story and went back to the location where they first came to the aid of the 22-year-old near Avenue 21 and Road 4.

Police followed a trail of blood, and underneath a bridge found $45,000 worth of meth inside a dog food bag.  The 22-year-old then told police there was supposed to be a drug deal, Anderson said. 

"The way this is wrapped, we know it came from Mexico, which involves Mexican drug cartels," Anderson said. 

Investigators identified Lopez-Martinez as their suspect. Having the description of the truck, they found him at a gas station at the corner of Highway 145 and Avenue 13.

Detectives served a search warrant for an apartment rented under his name and found one pound of meth, the guns used in the shooting--a rifle and a shotgun--and multiple items of police gear. 

Anderson said if it weren't for the shootings, they would not have known about this drug exchange that has connections to the Mexican drug cartel. 

"Semi-bad guys, really bad guys--that's where we are. These guys are dopers, these guys are shooters. Instead of coming out to the dope exchange, they didn't bring money, they brought guns," Anderson said. 

Investigators are still searching for the second person involved in the shooting. They do not have a name or any information for this person. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 498-STOP.

Search for Madera Co. Shooting Suspect

"It's a confusing case and it took our guys about three days to put it all together and get it arranged," said Madera Co. Sheriff John Anderson.
On Tuesday, Madera County Sheriff John Anderson showed off all sorts of evidence tied to a bizarre drug deal gone bad.  We're talking rifles and ammo, marijuana, ski masks and unofficial law enforcement clothing.  It was all recovered during a search of an apartment in Madera belonging to 25-year old Elias Martinez, an illegal immigrant out of Oaxaca, Mexico.

"We have him charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon.  He refuses to speak to us.  He knows three words of english, I want an attorney," said Sheriff Anderson.
On the night of December 30th, Martinez and his unknown partner are accused of using a pickup equipped with blue fog lights to impersonate police officers.  They allegedly pulled over three young 

men riding in a blue car near Avenue 18 1/2 and Road 10 in Chowchilla and ordered them to get out.

"They shoot one of them laying there on the ground with an SKS Rifle.  He was shot through the liver.  He's in very serious critical condition and we're still not sure whether or not he'll survive," said Sheriff Anderson.

That was a 17-year old boy.  Another 17-year old boy took off running to safety.  Meanwhile, the 22-year old driver jumped into the car and sped away as the suspects continued to fire at him.

"They went through the back window and also went through here and hit the driver.  They hit him in the face, his jaw and most of his teeth," said Sheriff Anderson.
But the story doesn't end there, detectives did a more thorough search the following day and followed a trail of blood underneath a bridge.  There in a dog food bag they found many plastic containers holding 9 lbs. of meth worth $45,000.

"The way this is wrapped, we know it came from Mexico, which involves Mexican Drug Cartels," said Sheriff Anderson.

If you have any information on this case which can help investigators, report it to Valley Crime Stoppers at (559) 498-STOP.  You may be eligible for a cash reward.



Homeless Man Beaten, His Dog Killed

We are learning more about the beating of a homeless man by gang members. Those gang members killed the man's dog.

Fresno police believe five or six gang members attacked the homeless man. They reportedly told the victim he was in their territory.

The attack occurred at the Mosqueda Center at Maple and Butler in Southeast Fresno just before ten Monday night.

Police have made two arrests. But they're looking for additional suspects.

Investigators believe the suspects are all teenagers. They were reportedly drinking outside the Mosqueda Center drinking when they saw the homeless man and decided to attack him.

Police tended to the wounded homeless man early Tuesday morning. On the ground beside him, the body of his Chihuahua-Terrier mix 'Snoopy.'

Investigators say the victim was attacked by a group of gang members as he walked through the Mosqueda Center.

Pieces of a broken beer bottle show where the beating started. The man was hit over the head.

"Also they were punching him. And he had his dog in his backpack next to him. The dog was punched several times. When the dog came out of the backpack, the juveniles began kicking the dog," said Sgt. Eddie Barrios with the Fresno Police Department.

Police say the gang members kicked the dog until they killed him.

The victim ran across the street to the Get 'N Go mini-mart.
I spoke with one customer who saw the victim right after the attack.

"He kept saying: They killed my dog, they killed my dog," the customer said.

The customer didn't want his face shown. He tried to help the homeless man.

"He had the dog right here laying on the ground just hugging it and hugging it and just crying. That's all he kept doing," the customer said.

Police arrested two teens for the attack - 18-year-old Alejandro Lopez and a juvenile. Investigators believe three or four other teens were involved.

CBS47 has learned the victim had gotten care for Snoopy at Westside Rescue, which serves homeless people and their pets.

"He had sought some food and vaccines, some services like that," said Karen Shoji with Westside Rescue.

The rescue is trying to get Snoopy's body from the SPCA so they can have him cremated and his ashes returned to his owner, to provide some comfort.
Comfort for a man who has very little.

"I feel bad for someone like that, because they got no house, they go nowhere to live, they got no family, and the only family they have is their own pets. To have something like that, it's pretty sad," said the store customer who tried to help the homeless man.

Police are asking for help to find the remaining suspects.

If you have any information on the attack, you're asked to call CrimeStoppers at (559) 498-STOP. You can remain anonymous. And your tip could be worth up to one-thousand dollars.

For more information on Westside Rescue their website is: http://westsiderescue.com and their email is: westsiderescue@gmail.com

Fresno Filmworks Kicks Off 2014 Season

Fresno Filmworks will hold its first screening of 2014 this Friday, January 10th, at the historic Tower Theatre. Screening times are 5:30 and 8:45 p.m. for "The Great Beauty".

From the website:

Filmworks presents the Italian drama that The Washington Post calls “more ravishingly Fellini-esque than many of Federico Fellini’s own movies.” Winner of four top honors at the 2013 European Film Awards — including Best Film and Best Director — the movie tells the story of journalist Jep Gambardella, an aging bon vivant who has risen to the higher echelons of Rome’s exquisite nightlife scene through his one and only successful novel. At his 65th birthday, Jep faces a revelation from his past, leading him to further examine his opulent, esoteric lifestyle. Directed by rising filmmaker Paolo Sorrentino and starring Toni Servillo, critics have hailed the film as a contemporary update of Fellini’s classic La Dolce Vita, exploring the intoxicating effects of the upper-class life in Rome. In Italian, with English subtitles."

Click on the related links to buy tickets and to learn more about the non-profit group sponsoring the screening.
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