After waiting in the cold, charging for the hot items, and pulling all nighters...
“I'm really tired, thirsty, and hungry… haha.” Julie Vance laughed.
Julie Vance worked up an appetite!
She rolled into Toys R Us and Target Thanksgiving evening, and still made it to the Fashion Fair mall the following morning.
“I don't wait in line, I go after the store opens because usually when go after you still get what you want as long as you’re not waiting for one of the 50 TV’s,” she said.
When the clock struck
“So worth it so worth it, I mean, I would do it again,” said Estrada minutes before racing inside.
But camping out for two days and eating turkey in line...on Black Thursday doesn't sit well with all shoppers.
“They need to stop... just bring it back to normal and just everybody come out regular shopping day...let families be home with family,” said Fonsel Williams.
Not if you ask Julie Vance…she's done with Christmas shopping!
“Time to go home... I'm done! Thanks!” she said.