At face value, you would think the webpage was one for adopting a puppy, but as you read closer you find that it's a 3-year old boy who is up for grabs.
“Yeah it's way outside the box, but I never felt I was putting my son in danger because I had no intention of him meeting anybody,” said Corenna Waller.
Corenna Waller is the 27-year old
She's claims to have cried for help to agencies like child protective services, but no one would listen.
“I just felt I had exhausted all my resources and I kept hitting walls when it came to finding new resources. I finally felt that if I got the word out people would take me seriously,” said Waller.
And people have. Folks who spotted the page became concerned. They notified us at CBS47 as well as social workers at C.P.S. They are now involved with this case trying to draw up an alternative game plan.
Reporter: “Is this exactly what you hoped it would do?”
Part of me yeah. We live in a reality TV crazy world, people always want to be on TV and if figured if people weren't going to listen to me, then whatever happens, happens,” said Waller.
Waller's apartment is fairly clean an organized. An otherwise healthy environment for a child.
“I do enough to get by. He's safe, he's cared for, he has so many people that love him,” said Waller.
Unemployed and short on money, her life is in turmoil. Waller says she never considered adoption after giving birth because she and her family felt it was her obligation to raise her child.
Reporter: “Regret on your part to not have done that?”
“Yes because as much as I love him I know that at this point in my life I'm not competent,” said Waller.
Waller's parents are now watching over her son, but say they are not in a position to take care of him long term. The boy's father is out of the picture. And to top it off, she's pregnant again, with a different man's baby.
Reporter: “Why take on the responsibility of another child? Don't you see that as being irresponsible?”
“I'm definitely not going to lie, I have been irresponsible,” said Waller.
She says an on and off addiction to marijuana has clouded her judgment in the past. Now that the smoke has cleared, her plan was to have agencies do background checks on adoption candidates.
“I wasn't just going to go off hunches or what people tell me because people are liars,” said Waller.
Disturbing, humiliating and risky.
There are tons of ways to describe Waller's actions. However, she believes her decision to create the page was justified.
“If this had to be the way to get attention for someone to help me with a solution then I don't think it was that bad. A little embarrassment and will blow over, but at least finally I might get some answers,” said Waller.
CBS47 tried contacting C.P.S. about this case, but they had no comment.
Meanwhile, the father of the unborn baby wants to have custody. So putting that child up for adoption is not an option right now.