“And then we splashed water in our eyes and we went to our grandmas room and woke her up,” said Amber Stewart.
“I opened the kitchen door into the garage is saw flames,” said Geri Hansen.
They quickly got everyone out. One family member broke through a window because he was trapped by the fire. Thanks to little amber everyone is safe.
“There were no smoke detectors so she saved that family,” said Patty Dunn, with the American Red Cross.
When more than 30
“So kind of helped guide them out the front door, started taking all of the hoses from around here, started to put that next house out to make sure it was saved,” said Devon Barrington, who helped out.
Preventing the fire from spreading to neighbors, but this house was a total loss. The fire started in the garage; investigators don't know what sparked it.
Amber says she did what she was taught in school, “Just ducked, and did the fire drill that we were taught,” said Amber.
Amber’s uncle who jumped out a window was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation and was later released. Her brother also went to the doctor later in the day. Both are at home and ok.