only gives a hint of the terror for students who came face to face with it.
"I just kinna see black but there's fire at the front of the bus," said one survivor.
A charter bus taking over 40 Southern California
High School students to visit their prospective college just North of
Sacramento.... was hit head on with a FedEx truck Thursday.
Lemor Abrams goes inside a Charter bus to show us its exits.
"There was an emergency exit but there was too many people
trying to get out," said another survivor.
A student reportedly kicked down the window the escape, and
dozens more crawled out, as the crash killed 9 people including both drivers, 5
students, and 3 adult chaperones.
Valerie Tan is a safety director with Golden Eagle Charter who
demonstrated how easy it is to open the latch of a window
emergency handle.
But Tan says, "anything can happen to anybody on
the road. Our buses put on thousands of miles in a year..."
Friday night, news of the crash still set in with
local students, who also plan to begin college in June, and can't help but think
what they would have done.
"When you're in that situation and you're so scared-you freeze don't
know what to do, "said Patrick Moultire who's recently visited his college in
the valley.
His mom Shana said, "you can just pray that...he acts fast to remove