Laying on the horn and flashing his lights was all Jimmy Antuna could do, to
try and scare off three dogs.
They were viciously attacking a man in this orchard near Parlier.
A puddle of blood and gloves from first responders still mark the spot.
"His head was actually right her," explained Antuna, "His head was facing
this way and all three dogs were attacking him on his left side and my vehicle
was parked here and I reversed out and hit one of the dogs."
He says that's when a dog ripped the man's ear off.
Froylan Garcia owns the German Shepard mix involved and turned it over to
Liberty Animal Control.
The dog is now under quarantine to determine if it could have rabies.
"I feel responsible because it's my dog but I'm not sure my dogs do that,"
said Garcia.
He says his seven dogs have never bitten anyone.
"No, no, never before," said Garcia.
But Antuna disputes that, telling authorities if he hadn't stepped in, this
horrifying ordeal could have been much worse.
Still he doesn't want to be called a hero.
"I consider myself a good Samaritan just being at the right place at the
right time," said Antuna.
Witnesses say the victim is Anthony Lopez.
He was last listed in critical but stable condition at Community Regional
Medical Center.