Police are out in full force patrolling streets and running DUI checkpoints. They're reminding people to ring in the new year responsibly by not mixing drinking and driving.
It's the final push of the avoid the 21 winter holiday campaign which has been in effect nearly three weeks. So far, officers have made 151 DUI arrests. Last year at this time there were 126 DUI arrests.
Whether it's through pulling people over or just the mere presence of a patrol car, police are on a mission this New Year's Eve to stop drunk drivers.
"Have a great time, drink and have fun, but get a sober driver. Call somebody," said Officer Joe Ploharz, Fresno Police Dept.
For the last three and a half years we be sober has helped folks end the night safely by driving them and their car home. They'll take you anywhere in the Fresno - Clovis area for a flat rate of $40.
"We know you want to have fun. We know you're going to go out and we just want you to get home safe. That's why we're here," said Michael Chaffey of We be sober.
If you get busted for DUI it can cost up to $12,000 in fines and legal fees. Plus, your license is automatically suspended, which is a huge turnoff to employers.
"Today it's an insurance issue and you could lose your job and you may never get a job because of it," said Terry Wapner, an attorney.
The consequences escalate if you crash and hurt others.
"You could be facing felonies if there's an injury accident. If more than one person is injured it's mandatory prison," said Wapner.
A powerful display was setup in a shopping center at the corner of Ashlan and Blackstone. It featured a car that's been in a DUI crash, an ordinary bed and a casket. Next to it was a written message, "Pick your bed for 2014."
Enrique Reade came up with the idea.
"All we want to do is save lives. That's it," said Enrique Reade, Anti-DUI activist.