Under the Los Banos Calvary Cemetery's current policy, only fake flowers are allowed to serve as grave site decorations. But many who have loved ones buried there say that's too strict and simply unfair.
During the cemetery's monthly board meeting Monday evening, close to 30 people crammed into a tiny room to urge leaders to work with them.
"You've done nothing but disrespect us and our loved ones," said Noah Jones.
Noah Jones and his wife Ashley lost their three-month old daughter Sidney in 2010. A princess tiara and pack of skittles are just a couple affectionate items now resting at her tombstone.
"She'll never have a room. This is where we come to leave little things for her and we're being told we're not allowed to do that. It's not right," said Ashley Jones.
Pat Silva was saddened to receive a letter saying a hand-carved wooden cross needs to be removed from her father's burial site.
"My husband made the cross out of a tree and my dad sat under a tree the last 10 years of his life," said Pat Silva.
Ramona Azevedo claims cemetery personnel has thrown away mementos without even notifying her.
"Everytime I come I think my stuff is going to be gone," said Ramona Azevedo.
She's been warned to remove souvenirs from her mother's gravesite. Over concerns they might get caught in lawnmowers and injure maintenance crews.
"It's not really about safety. It's about being a big bully and throwing your power around," said Azevedo.
But Board President Geri Alves says it's about setting boundaries.
"They are putting items and it's getting out of control. From one to another it's getting more and more," said Board President Geri Alves.
Alves hopes to adopt a new policy in the next few months.
Reporter: "Do you foresee you guys being more flexible than you currently are though?
"All I know is we want to do what's best. To try and work with the people and what's good for the cemetery also," said Alves.
Folks say they will continue to fight by showing up to every monthly meeting until they get their way.