One Clovis woman is making a difference in the lives of soldiers serving overseas.
Raegan fast puts together care packages for soldiers in Afghanistan. It started out with a single box for a friend who was serving in that country, that friend mentioned other soldiers weren't getting any packages from home. So Raegan gathered more items and put together more and more boxes.
"I started out at five and as its gotten bigger I've gotten a lot more donations so I've been able to do a lot more'" says Raegan.
Last month she sent out fifteen care packages. Her program, called 'Boxed', is now officially a non-profit.
Raegan fast puts together care packages for soldiers in Afghanistan. It started out with a single box for a friend who was serving in that country, that friend mentioned other soldiers weren't getting any packages from home. So Raegan gathered more items and put together more and more boxes.
"I started out at five and as its gotten bigger I've gotten a lot more donations so I've been able to do a lot more'" says Raegan.
Last month she sent out fifteen care packages. Her program, called 'Boxed', is now officially a non-profit.