CBS47, was first on the scene as a car driven by a 15-year old lost control and crashed into two homes.
"Wow! What an ordeal, never even had anything remotely like this happen to me before," said Carolyn Nixon.
Nixon showed CBS47 the damage to her home, she was at work during the crash, but the family next door was home when the van crashed. They were too shaken up to go on camera, but they did say their child was in the room just minutes before the van crashed. Kurt Leonard heard a loud boom, ran outside, and called 911.
"What sounded like a thunder cloud right outside my door, so I immediately ran outside and I saw the kid coming out the hole of the house," said Lenoard, witness.
Police say the teenager stole his mom's car and took it on a joy ride. Witnesses say the teen and a passenger were driving up and down the street at speeds of up to sixty miles per hour.
"It's very fortunate that there wasn't a worse outcome of this underage driving is very dangerous as in this case," said Casey Clark, Fresno Fire.
At one point gas had to be turned off because a gas line and a water line were ruptured during the crash. Nixon says she has insurance and knows her home will be fixed, she's just thankful there weren't any serious injuries.
"The good thing out of all of this is that no one was hurt," said Nixon.