The search continues for seven children...missing since Saturday.
Police believe the kids’ biological father picked them up while mom was at the store.
Four boys and three girls...ranging in age from five to twelve years old, were last seen Saturday, playing around their apartment.
“I see mom and dad walk along here all the time,” said Chang Vang who lives nearby.”
Chan Vang saw mom and stepdad make a quick run to the grocery store, leaving their oldest son-a 12-year- old to babysit.
When they came back, the children and their belongings were gone.
“The house was clear. No kids were inside of the house and all of the clothes were missing,” Vang said.
Police say the dad has been estranged from the children for the last three years...but visited them in December.
"lt don't believe kids are at risk, biological mom doesnt think they are at risk, think it's dad who didn't see them prior to the december date," said Fresno Police Lt. Jeff Motoyasu.
According to police, there are no child custody documents on file, and the biological father is legally allowed to have the kids.
He may be driving a 2005 white T
The license plate is 6GCC504.
Police want to be sure the children are safe.
If you see them... contact F