Terry Branstad of Iowa is the third governor to visit California in recent weeks, making a pitch to businesses to move out of the Golden State.
Governor Branstad said, "It's like we say in the Army, 'If it doesn't move, paint it.' They're plan is, if it doesn't move, tax it."
Branstad is campaigning to bring jobs to Iowa because he says California companies who have already set up shop in his state are already making more money. "The ones that are already invested here in Iowa have seen the benefits of the work ethic in Iowa and of our competitive business climate and the fact that we're always working to make it better, instead of California making it work worse.
Last week, Governor Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota attended the World Ag Expo in Tulare trying to lure those in the dairy industry to his state, and before that, Governor Rick Perry of Texas visited to woo tax-weary businesses to his state.
Branstad will be in California Tuesday and Wednesday.