"They're shivering and it just makes me sad,” said Andi Briscow, who donated to the shelter.
Briscow and many others donated dropped off blankets and heaters, hoping to help keep the unexpected, extra animals warm this weekend.
"We were not prepared for the dogs that came in, over 30 dogs. What we are doing is completely surrounding them with the tarp. In one of the kennels we have, we are putting up a heater that's plugged in the entire night,” said Daniel Bailey, Senior Animal Control Officer at
Over at the Poverello House in downtown
"it's important to stay as warm as you can, which is really, really hard to do out in the streets," said Doreen Eley, Deputy Director of the Poverello House.
The City of
"I want to encourage area churches and anyone else who may have a capacity to take folks in tonight and tomorow night, if they've got the ability to do it, it certainly would be a good thing for community,” said Swearengin.
Liberty Animal Control is accepting donations of detergent, heaters, and blankets to keep the animals comfortable. The shelter can be reached at