Plows hit the road, drivers pulled over to install chains and sounds of children rang out. A handful of large storms over the last few weeks have made it a whiter Christmas than the last. Several feet of snow have already fallen this season.
Greg Powell has owned Shaver Lake Sports for 20 and welcomes the business.
“People are coming up to play in the snow, where last year not only was the lake drained, there was no snow to play in,” said Powell.
Powell told us last winter was by far the worst the store has seen.
“It was like breaking a leg, but we got through it,” said Powell.
Businesses in the area have seen a surge in customers coming to enjoy the recent snowfall.
“This is my second year learning how to snow board and it's been a lot of fun. It's nice and painful,” said teenager, Murks Johnson as he laughed.
While business has picked up, Powell says so have a few hot items.
“Snow boots, bibs and gloves. Goggles when it's snowing…saw a lot of goggles when it's snowing,” said Powell.
The snow pack is at 146% of normal. Good news for businesses in the area like Powell's, there's another storm on the way this weekend.